Hi there! Most of our interactions are done trough the F2 Interaction Menu, and we've tried to limit the amount of commands that a player is required to remember. This is for the sake of making it easier for new players to get into Oahu Roleplay.

Important Roleplay Commands​

  • /me - Displays an action above your player, /me draws their gun becomes "the person draws their gun".
  • /911 - Create a regular 911 call to LEO & EMS, use this if you do not want to start a priority.
  • /911p - Creates a priority scene call to LEO & EMS, this command is for larger scenes that require more law enforcement.
  • /311 - Creates a non-emergency call to LEO & EMS, please use this for smaller scenes that don't require a lot of attention.
  • /869 - Creates a request for SADOT to come to your current location.
  • /radio - Opens our built-in radio.

Additional Roleplay Commands​

  • /binoculars - Pulls up your binoculars, useful for certain roleplay scenarios
  • /mood - Enables a mood, you can see all available using /moods
  • /newscam - Enables the roleplay news cam
  • /hu - Puts your hands up, which allows police to put you in cuffs.
  • /huk - Puts your hands up and kneels.

Thank you for reading,