Hi there! Welcome to Oahu Roleplay, today we'll teach you the inside and outside of our radio system. We use a slightly modified version of the Scully Radio V2, but the basics are the same from the standard version.

Note, this guide only applies to the in-game duty system, as in the F2 menu and the in-game radio.

First of all, to begin using our radio script, you'll need to access the Duty Menu under the F2 menu.


In here, you'll need to assign a callsign using the Assign Callsign button, enter your preferred callsign that you got from the department that you are currently going on duty as. We're using Blaine County Sherrifs Office for this example.

I'll assign callsign 1C-01 for this example, and then I'll set my name using the Set Name Button, use the civilian character name that you created in our CAD. I'll use A. Venze for this example, but as a rule of thumb, I'd use say, A. Block if my name in that case was Alex Block.

Remember to press Enable Duty for the department you are going on duty as. And once done with your session, press Disable Duty, and it'll be logged to the database for reviewing.

At this point, you're done with the Duty Menu setup, we'll move on to the radio script now. Press U to open the radio. Press the following button the start the radio.


Once your radio is started, you can explore it for yourself and figure it out more in depth. Most important is entering the frequency for your department. The specific frequency for your department is something you'll be informed of once recruited.

Thank you for reading,